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IptcCollection Constructor

Overload List
Public methodIptcCollection
Initializes an empty collection of IptcTags
Public methodIptcCollection(Stream) Obsolete.
Creates a new instance of the IptcCollection class specifying the file stream to read the iptc metadata from.
Public methodIptcCollection(String) Obsolete.
Creates a new instance of the IptcCollection class specifying the file to read the iptc metadata from.
Public methodIptcCollection(Stream, Int32) Obsolete.
Creates a new instance of the IptcCollection class specifying the file stream and page index (in a multipage TIFF) to read the iptc metadata from.
Public methodIptcCollection(String, Int32) Obsolete.
Creates a new instance of the IptcCollection class specifying the file and page index (in a multipage TIFF) to read the iptc metadata from.
See Also