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DocumentViewerOpen Method

Opens one or more images, replacing the existing images in the DocumentViewer.
Overload List
Public methodCode exampleOpen(Stream)
Opens all pages of an image from a stream.
Public methodOpen(String)
Opens an image from a filename. If the file is a multipage document, all pages are added to the control.
Public methodCode exampleOpen(RandomAccessImageSource)
Adds images from a RandomAccessImageSource into the viewer.
Public methodCode exampleOpen(Stream, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Opens all pages from a stream and gets the caption and tooltip from the specified ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler.
Public methodOpen(Stream, Int32)
Opens the specified page from an image.
Public methodOpen(String, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Opens all pages in an image and gets the caption and tooltip from the specified ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler.
Public methodOpen(String, Int32)
Opens the specified frame index from a file.
Public methodCode exampleOpen(RandomAccessImageSource, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Adds images from a RandomAccessImageSource and gets the caption and tooltip from the specified ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler.
Public methodOpen(Stream, Int32, String, String)
Opens the specified page from an image and provides the thumbnail caption and tooltip.
Public methodOpen(String, Int32, String, String)
Opens the specified frame from an image and provides the thumbnail caption and tooltip.
See Also