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ThumbnailCollectionAdd Method

These methods add one or more thumbnails to the collection.
Overload List
Public methodAdd(RandomAccessImageSource)
Adds images from a RandomAccessImageSource into the collection.
Public methodAdd(Thumbnail)
Adds a Thumbnail to the collection.
Public methodAdd(Stream, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Adds all pages from a stream and gets the caption and tooltip from a ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler.
Public methodAdd(String, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Adds all pages of an image from a file and gets the caption and tooltip from a ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler.
Public methodAdd(AtalaImage, String)
Add a Thumbnail to the collection by specifying the AtalaImage and caption.
Public methodAdd(RandomAccessImageSource, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Adds images from a RandomAccessImageSource into the collection.
Public methodCode exampleAdd(String, Int32, String)
Adds a Thumbnail to the collection by specifying the filename, frame index and caption.
Public methodAdd(AtalaImage, String, String)
Add a Thumbnail to the collection by specifying the AtalaImage, caption and tooltip.
Public methodAdd(Stream, Int32, String, String)
Adds an image from a stream.
Public methodAdd(String, Int32, String, String)
Adds a Thumbnail to the collection by specifying the filename, frame index, caption and tooltip.
ThumbnailCollectionAdd (C#)
this.thumbnailView1.Items.Add(@"C:\myfile.jpg", 0, "My File");
ThumbnailCollectionAddVB (Visual Basic)
Me.thumbnailView1.Items.Add("C:\myfile.jpg", 0, "My File")
See Also