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ThumbnailImageViewerSynchronizerInsert Method

Overload List
Public methodInsert(Int32, RandomAccessImageSource, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Inserts images from a RandomAccessImageSource into the collection.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Stream, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Inserts all pages from a stream into the collection.
Public methodInsert(Int32, String, ThumbnailCaptionRequestEventHandler)
Inserts all pages from a file into the collection.
Public methodInsert(Int32, AtalaImage, String, String)
Inserts an image into the collection.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Stream, Int32, String, String)
Inserts or add a thumbnail to the ThumbnailView from a stream.
Public methodInsert(Int32, String, Int32, String, String)
Inserts or add a thumbnail.
See Also