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OcrEngineTranslate Method

Translate a set of images to a new document format.
Overload List
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, Stream)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given stream. This method attempts to select the best translator for the job.
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, String)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given path. This method attempts to select the best translator for the job.
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, Stream, ITranslator)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given stream using the supplied translator.
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, String, ITranslator)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given path using the supplied translator.
See Also