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TextTranslatorLineSpacingCutOff Property

Property that allows for the getting and setting of the line space cut off.
Gets or sets the line spacing cutoff.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Ocr
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr (in Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public float LineSpacingCutOff { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Single
When calculating the number of blank lines that should be inserted between two consecutive lines, this is the margin for what decimal remainder should still be considered a line. The smaller this number, the more spaces will be added. This number should range between 0 and 1 for regular documents. Making the number greater than 1 will change the original documents spacing.
When calculating the number of blank lines that should be inserted between two consecutive lines, this is the margin for what decimal remainder should still be considered a line. The smaller this number, the more spaces will be added. This number should range between 0 and 1 for regular documents. Making the number greater than 1 will change the original documents spacing.
See Also