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PdfAnnotationDataExporter Properties

The PdfAnnotationDataExporter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlwaysEmbedAnnotationData
Indicates whether or not the PdfAnnotationDataExporter will embed data representing the DotImage annotation in its entirety.
Public propertyCanExport
For PdfAnnotationDataExporter, this property always return true.
(Overrides AnnotationDataExporterCanExport.)
Public propertyCanExportOver
For PdfAnnotationDataExporter, this property always return false.
(Overrides AnnotationDataExporterCanExportOver.)
Public propertyOverwriteExistingAnnotations
Indicates whether or not the PdfAnnotationDataExporter will overwrite annotations that already exist on a page.
Public propertyOwnerPassword Obsolete.
Gets or sets the owner password to use when opening and saving the PDF.
Public propertyUnknownAnnotationHandler
Sets or gets a handler for unknown annotation types.
Public propertyUserPassword Obsolete.
Gets or sets the user password to use when opening and saving the PDF.
See Also