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InkData Properties

The InkData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowPenScaling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ink pen size should be scaled along with the zoom level of the viewer.
Public propertyAnnotationBounds
Gets the rectangle bounds of the annotation, including any pen or shadow, before any matricies are applied.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounding rectangle of the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCanMirror
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation can mirror.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCanMove
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation can be moved.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCanResize
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation can be resized.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCanRotate
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation can be rotated.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCanSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation can be selected.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the creation time of the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this object has been disposed.
Public propertyDrawingAttributes
Gets or sets the attributes that are applied to the ink when drawn.
Public propertyIgnoreDataChanges
Gets or sets a value indicating whether any properties changes should be passed to the undo manager.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyInkCollector
Gets the Microsoft.Ink.InkCollector used to store the ink strokes.
Public propertyIsMirroredHorizontally
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored horizontally.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyIsMirroredVertically
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored vertically.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the location of this annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyModifiedTime
Gets or sets the time in which this annotation was modified.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name for this annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the current amount of rotation for this annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertySecurity
Gets or sets the security lock used for this annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertySelected
Get or set whether this AnnotationData object is selected
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyState
Get or set the AnnotationState of this AnnotationData object
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyStrokes
Gets a collection of Microsoft.Ink.Stroke objects.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the text displayed in the annotation tooltip.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyTransform
Gets the transformation matrix used for rendering this annotation.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyUserName
Gets or sets the username for the annotation. Internally this is used with PDF annotations.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation is visible.
(Inherited from AnnotationData.)
See Also