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AnnotationCursors Properties

The AnnotationCursors type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDefaultCursor
Gets or sets the default cursor used when the pointer is not over an annotation or grip.
Public propertyStatic memberEastWestCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used when over the left or right center grip.
Public propertyStatic memberHotSpotCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used for hot spots. This is only shown when InteractMode is set to View.
Public propertyStatic memberMoveCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used to indicate a move operation.
Public propertyStatic memberNortheastSouthwestCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used for the top-right and bottom-left grips.
Public propertyStatic memberNorthSouthCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used for the top and bottom center grips.
Public propertyStatic memberNorthwestSoutheastCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used for the top-left and bottom-right grips.
Public propertyStatic memberRotateCursor
Gets or sets the cursor used for the rotation grip.
See Also