Click or drag to resize

AnnotationUI Properties

The AnnotationUI type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounding rectangle for the annotation.
Public propertyCanMirror
Gets or sets a value indicating whether can mirror.
Public propertyCanMove
Gets or sets a value indicating whether can move.
Public propertyCanResize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether can resize.
Public propertyCanRotate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether can rotate.
Public propertyCanSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether can select.
Public propertyContextMenu
Gets or sets a ContextMenu object that will be displayed when the user right-clicks on the annotation.
Public propertyContextMenuStrip
Gets or sets a ContextMenuStrip object that will be displayed when the user right-clicks on the annotation.
Public propertyController
Gets the AnnotationController for this annotation.
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the creation time.
Public propertyData
Gets the AnnotationData object associated with this annotation.
Public propertyGrips
Gets the grips used for the annotation.
Public propertyHitTestRectangle
Gets a rectangle used for hit testing or RectangleF.Empty to use the default hit testing method.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the location of the annotation in document space.
Public propertyModifiedTime
Gets or sets the modification time.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name.
Public propertyParentLayer
Gets or sets the LayerAnnotation that contains this annotation.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the rotation.
Public propertySecurity
Gets or sets the security.
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this annotation the selected.
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the annotation.
Public propertyState
Gets or sets the current state of the annotation.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the tool tip.
Public propertyTransform
Gets or sets the transform.
Public propertyUserName
Gets or sets the name of the user.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is visible.
See Also