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AnnotationUndo Properties

The AnnotationUndo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChange
Gets the type of undo change being performed.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the undo.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the index of the item.
Public propertyItem
Gets the object that was changed.
Public propertyPropertyName
Gets the name of the property that was changed.
Public propertyRedoMethodName
Gets the name of the method called when performing a redo.
Public propertyRedoMethodParameters
Gets an object array containing the parameters used by the Redo method.
Public propertyUndoMethodName
Gets the name of the method that will be called when an undo is performed.
Public propertyUndoMethodParameters
Gets an object array of parameters sent to the Undo method.
Public propertyValue
Gets the value of the object or property.
See Also