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RectangleGrips Properties

The RectangleGrips type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAspectRatio
Gets or sets a value used for the width-to-height ratio.
Public propertyBounds
Returns a bounding rectangle for all of the grips.
(Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyCount
Returns the number of grips in the collection.
(Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyFill (Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyGripsToDisplay
Gets or sets the grips to display.
Public propertyItem (Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyOutline (Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyRectangle
Gets the bounding rectangle of the grips.
Public propertyRotationFill (Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyRotationOutline (Inherited from PointGrips.)
Public propertyShowRotationGrips
Gets or sets a value indicating whether rotation grips are displayed.
Public propertySize (Inherited from PointGrips.)
See Also