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WangAttributeData Properties

The WangAttributeData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBounds
Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the annotation.
Public propertyColor1
The primary color of the annotation.
Public propertyColor2
Gets or sets the text color of an Attach-a-Note WANG annotation.
Public propertyDib
Gets or sets the image data for embedded image annotations.
Public propertyFileName
Gets or sets the filename of the image for ImageReference WANG annotations.
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets the font used for WANG annotations that contain text.
Public propertyGroup
Gets or sets the group.
Public propertyHighlighting
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is a highlighter.
Public propertyImageTransformation
Gets or sets the image transformation.
Public propertyLineSize
Gets or sets the size of the annotation lines.
Public propertyPoints
Gets or sets a PointFCollection containing the points for a StraightLine or FreehandLine WANG annotation.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text for the annotation.
Public propertyTime
Gets or sets the time that the annotation was first saved.
Public propertyTransparent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether white pixel are rendered as transparent.
Public propertyType
The type of WANG annotation.
Public propertyUnknownType6Data
Gets or sets the unknown type6 data.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating if the annotation is visible.
See Also