Click or drag to resize

WpfLayerAnnotation Properties

The WpfLayerAnnotation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounding rectangle of this annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanMirror
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be mirrored by the end-user.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanMove
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be moved by the end-user.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanResize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be resized by the end-user.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanRotate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be rotated by the end-user.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be selected by the end-user.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCanvas
Gets the WpfAnnotationCanvas class hosting this annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCenterOfRotation
Gets the point used as center of rotation for the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyChildElement
Gets the child UIElement of the annotation, if any.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyCreationTime
Gets or sets the creation time of the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyDependencyObjectType
Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. 
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public propertyExtraProperties
Gets the annotation extra properties dictionary.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyGeometry
Gets a Geometry representing the annotation.
(Overrides WpfAnnotationUIGeometry.)
Public propertyGrips
Gets the grips for this annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyIsGroup
Gets a value indicating whether this layer is a group annotation.
Public propertyIsGrouped
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is being hosted within a group.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyIsMirroredHorizontally
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored horizontally.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyIsMirroredVertically
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored vertically.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyIsSealed
Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only).
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyIsVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is visible.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyItems
Gets a WpfAnnotationUICollection containing the annotations for this layer.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the location of the annotation in document space.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyModifiedTime
Gets or sets the last time the annotation was modified.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name for the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyParentLayer
Gets the parent layer of this annotation, if any.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyRenderedBounds
Gets the bounding rectangle of the annotation including any transformations applied for rendering.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyRenderTransform
Gets the transform used when rendering the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the amount of rotation applied to the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertySecurity
Gets or sets the security for the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is selected.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyState
Gets or sets the annotation state.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertySupportsMultiClickCreation
Gets a value indicating whether the annotation supports being created from multiple mouse clicks.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets a tooltip to use for the annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyUserHasCreated
Gets a value indicating if the annotation was end-user created or added directly to a layer.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Public propertyUserName
Gets or sets the username for this annotation.
(Inherited from WpfAnnotationUI.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapEffect Obsolete.
Gets or sets the BitmapEffect value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapEffectInput Obsolete.
Gets or sets the BitmapEffectInput value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapScalingMode
Gets or sets the BitmapScalingMode for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualCacheMode
Gets or sets a cached representation of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualChildrenCount
Gets the number of child elements for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualClearTypeHint
Gets or sets the ClearTypeHint that determines how ClearType is rendered in the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualClip
Gets or sets the clip region of the Visual as a Geometry value.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualEdgeMode
Gets or sets the edge mode of the Visual as an EdgeMode value.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualEffect
Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOffset
Gets or sets the offset value of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOpacityMask
Gets or sets the Brush value that represents the opacity mask of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualParent
Gets the visual tree parent of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualScrollableAreaClip
Gets or sets a clipped scrollable area for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTextHintingMode
Gets or sets the TextHintingMode of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTextRenderingMode
Gets or sets the TextRenderingMode of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTransform
Gets or sets the Transform value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualXSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the x-coordinate (vertical) guideline collection.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualYSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the y-coordinate (horizontal) guideline collection.
(Inherited from Visual.)
See Also