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ReadOpts Properties

The ReadOpts type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAztecOptions
Additional options specific to the Aztec symbology.
Public propertyCodabarOptions
Additional options specific to the Codabar symbology.
Public propertyCode39Options
Reading options specific to the Code39 symbology
Public propertyDirection
Enabled barcode orientations
Public propertyEnableRescan
Enable/Disable rescan procedure on the local region for detection results with low confidence. Default value: true.
Public propertyEnforceChecksum
Enforce the checksum in those symbologies in which a checksum character is optional. Initialized to false by constructor.
Public propertyPdf417Options
Additional options specific to the PDF417 symbology.
Public propertyQRCodeOptions
Additional options specific to the QRCode symbology.
Public propertyQuietZoneTolerance
How strongly to enforce quiet zone requirements, from 0.0 (ignore them) to 1.0 (enforce strictly). Default: 1.0
Public propertyReadingQuality
Gets or sets the speed or accuracy of the BarCodeReader.
Public propertyRectOfInterest
Gets or sets a rectangular region of the image to look for barcodes.
Public propertyScanBarsToRead
Gets or sets the number of bars to attempt to read. The value of this field is not significant when searching two color (e.g. black and white) images for one-dimensional or stacked symbols. Initialised to Int32.MaxValue by constructor.
Public propertyScanInterval
Gets or sets the scan interval. Initialized to 5 by constructor.
Public propertySkipAllValidation
Sets or gets whether or not the barcode reader should skip validation.
Public propertySymbology
Gets or sets the barcode symbology
Public propertyXOptions Obsolete.
Extra options for configuring the reader.
See Also