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DwgDecoder Properties

The DwgDecoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackgroundColor
Sets or gets the background color that will be used for a given drawing
Public propertyDefaultSize
Sets or gets the default page size in inches.
Public propertyFitToPage
Sets or gets how the drawing is fit to the page.
Public propertyOutsidePageSize
Sets or gets the size of resulting images in pixels
Public propertyResolution
Sets or gets the resolution of resulting images.
Public propertySupportedImageType Obsolete.
Returns the ImageType that the implemented decoder class supports.
(Inherited from ImageDecoder.)
Public propertyUseOutsidePageSize
Sets or gets a flag indicating whether or not the files page size should be overridden.
Public propertyZoom
Gets or sets zoom factor.
Public propertyZoomPoint
Sets or gets the point from which zooming should be done on the image.
See Also