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Jp2Encoder Properties

The Jp2Encoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompression
Public propertyCompressionMode
Gets or Sets the Jp2CompressionMode to use when compressing an image.
Public propertyEncoderOptions
Gets or sets encoder specific options that will be used by default for the entire image.
Public propertyEnhancedRegions
Gets a collection of Enhanced Regions that can be set at a higher quality level than the rest of the image during compression.
Public propertyFileFormat
Gets or sets the file format to generate (JP2, JPEG2000 codestream, or JPX).
Public propertyIPData
Gets or sets intellectual property rights data to be encoded with the image.
Public propertyIptcTags
Gets or sets IPTC data that will be stored in the encoded image.
Public propertyPrecision
Gets or sets a value indicating the precision of the wavelet coefficients.
Public propertyQualityStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating the quality mode during lossy compression.
Public propertyResolutionParams
Set property for storing information of resolution. Refer to definition of Jp2ResolutionParams.
Public propertySpeedMode
Gets or sets the speed mode (Fast or Accurate) to use during lossy compression.
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Returns an array of PixelFormats supported by the Jp2Encoder.
(Overrides ImageEncoderSupportedPixelFormats.)
Public propertyTileSize
Gets or sets the size in pixels of each individual tile.
Public propertyUuidBoxes
Gets or sets UuidBox metadata to be stored in the encoded image.
Public propertyUuidInfoBoxes
Gets or sets UuidInfoBox metadata to be stored in the encoded image.
Public propertyWriteTileLengthMarker
Gets or sets a value indicating if a tile length marker is written to the encoded image.
Public propertyXmlBoxes
Gets or sets XML metadata to be stored with the image.
See Also