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JpegXrEncoder Properties

The JpegXrEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlphaDataDiscardLevel
Gets or sets the level of alpha frequency data to discard during a compressed domain transcode.
Public propertyAlphaQualityLevel
Gets or sets the compression quality for a planar alpha channel.
Public propertyCompressedDomainTranscode
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether compressed domain operations can be used. Compressed domain operations are transformation operations that are done without decoding the image data.
Public propertyFlipHorizontal
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to flip the image horizontally.
Public propertyFlipVertical
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to flip the image vertically.
Public propertyFrequencyOrder
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to encoding in frequency order.
Public propertyHorizontalTileSlices
Gets or sets the number of horizontal divisions to use during compression encoding. A single division creates two horizontal regions.
Public propertyIgnoreOverlap
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore region overlap pixels in sub-region compressed domain encoding. This feature is not currently implemented.
Public propertyImageDataDiscardLevel
Gets or sets the level of image data to discard during a compressed domain transcode.
Public propertyImageQualityLevel
Gets or sets the image quality level.
Public propertyInterleavedAlpha
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to encode the alpha channel data as an additional interleaved channel.
Public propertyLossless
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to encode using lossless compression.
Public propertyOverlapLevel
Gets or sets the overlap processing level.
Public propertyQualityLevel
Gets or sets the compression quality for the main image.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the Rotation of the image.
Public propertySubsamplingLevel
Gets or sets the sub sampling level for RGB image encoding.
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Returns an array of pixel formats supported by this encoder.
(Overrides ImageEncoderSupportedPixelFormats.)
Public propertyUseCodecOptions
Gets or sets a value that indicates codec options are to be used.
Public propertyVerticalTileSlices
Gets or sets the number of vertical divisions to use during compression encoding. A single division creates two vertical regions.
See Also