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JpegToPdfEncoder Properties

The JpegToPdfEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBookmarkTree
Public propertyCreateSelfPrintingPdf
Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the output PDF file should be self-printing
Public propertyEncryptMetadata
Sets or gets a boolean indicating that metadata should be encrypted. Default is false.
Public propertyErrorRecovery
Sets or gets how to recover from errors.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets or sets the metadata information used for this PDF.
Public propertyOwnerPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets an owner password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyPageBorder
Gets or sets the amount of border space around the image in PDF Page Units.
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets the size of the PDF pages in PDF Page Units.
Public propertyPermissions
Public propertySelfPrintingShowsPrintOptions
When set to true, self-printing shows the print options dialog.
Public propertySelfPrintingShrinksToFitPage
When set to true, self-printing adjusts the content to fit the page size.
Public propertySizeMode
Gets or sets the page size mode for this PDF.
Public propertyUserPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets a user password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyXmp
Metadata in the Adobe XMP format
See Also