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PdfEncoder Properties

The PdfEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjustPdfVersionAsNeeded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to adjust PDF version as needed. If the document is saved using features that surpass the version of the PDF spec to adhere to specified in PdfVersion, this will automatically adjust the version to match.
Public propertyBookmarkTree
Gets or sets the PDF bookmark tree that will be used with this document. Default value is null (no tree).
Public propertyCreateSelfPrintingPdf
Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the output PDF file should be self-printing
Public propertyDocumentType
Specifies the type of PDF document that will be produced, including PDF-A.
Public propertyEncryptMetadata
Sets or gets a boolean indicating that metadata stream should be encrypted. Default is true.
Public propertyJpeg2000Quality
Gets or sets Jpeg2000 quality value.
Public propertyJpegQuality
Gets or sets the JPEG quality used when the image compression is set to Jpeg.
Public propertyLinearized
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF document will be saved as linearized.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets or sets the metadata information used for this PDF.
Public propertyMode
Gets or sets a value indicating how to compress each page.
Public propertyOwnerPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets an owner password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyPageBorder
Gets or sets the amount of border space around the image in PDF Page Units.
Public propertyPageSize

Gets or sets the size of the PDF pages in PDF Page Units.

PDF uses an internal resolution of 72dpi, so an 8.5 x 11 inch page would be 612 x 792 pixels.

Public propertyPdfVersion
Gets or sets the desired PDF version for the output document. Currently, this will accept 2.0 value and values from 1.0 to 1.7 in increments of 0.1. Other values will be rejected. Defaults to 1.4.
Public propertyPermissions
Sets or gets the set of allowable actions for this PDF.
Public propertySelfPrintingShowsPrintOptions
When set to true, self-printing shows the print options dialog.
Public propertySelfPrintingShrinksToFitPage
When set to true, self-printing adjusts the content to fit the page size.
Public propertySizeMode
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Returns an array of the legal pixel formats accepted by the PdfEncoder.
(Overrides ImageEncoderSupportedPixelFormats.)
Public propertyUseAdvancedImageCompression
Allows the PdfEncoder to use JPEG2000 or JBIG2 image compression for color and black and white documents respectively.
Public propertyUseCompressedObjectStreams

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF document contains compressed object streams.

Public propertyUseJbig2LossyCompression
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use Lossy mode in case of Jbig2 compression.
Public propertyUserPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets a user password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyXmp
Gets or sets a byte array containing XMP data.
See Also