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PngImageInfo Properties

The PngImageInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColorDepth
The bits per pixel of the image, as loaded.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertyFrameCount
The number of frames/images/pages in the file.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertyHasTransparentColor
Indicates that the image contains a transparency color.
Public propertyImageType Obsolete.
The file format.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertyPixelFormat
The PixelFormat of the image, as loaded.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertyPngInterlaced
Gets a value indicating if the PNG is interlaced.
Public propertyResolution
The image resolution, usually in dots per inch.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertySize
The width and height of the image, as loaded.
(Inherited from ImageInfo.)
Public propertyTransparentColor
Gets or sets the transparent color for the PNG image.
See Also