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RawDecoder Properties

The RawDecoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlueAberration
Gets or sets a value controlling the blue aberration of the image.
Public propertyBrightness
Gets or sets a value controlling the brightness of the decoded image.
Public propertyInterpolation
Gets or sets the interpolation method used for color enhancement.
Public propertyPolicy
Determines the level of safety the raw codec will try to enforce.
Public propertyRedAberration
Gets or sets a value controlling the red aberration of the image.
Public propertySkipCameraInfoValidation
Gets or sets a value which determines whether camera info validation is skipped.
Public propertySupportedImageType Obsolete.
Returns the ImageType that the implemented decoder class supports.
(Inherited from ImageDecoder.)
Public propertyUseCameraMatrix
Gets or sets a value which determines if the raw codec uses the embedded color matrix in a raw image (if it exists).
Public propertyWhiteBalance
Gets or sets the color balance of the image reflecting the lighting conditions under which the photo was taken.
See Also