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TiffEncoder Properties

The TiffEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppend
Get or sets a value indicating if the image should be appended to the end of an existing file.
Public propertyCompression
Gets or sets a value indicating the compression algorithm used when encoding to a file.
Public propertyIptcTags
Gets or sets IPTC Metadata that will be saved with the image.
Public propertyJpegQuality
Gets or sets the quality level used when saving the image.
Public propertyPhotoshopResources
Gets or sets Photoshop resources to be saved with the image.
Public propertySaveRichTiffIptc
Gets or sets a value indicating that IPTC data will be stored in the TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC Tag rather than the TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP tag.
Public propertyStripSize
Gets or sets the strip size used when saving the image.
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Returns an array of pixel formats supported by this encoder.
(Overrides ImageEncoderSupportedPixelFormats.)
Public propertyTiffTags
Gets or sets a collection of TIFF Tags that will be encoded with the image when writing.
Public propertyTileSize
Gets or sets the size of tiles that are saved when WriteTiled is true.
Public propertyUseLzwPredictor
Gets or sets a value indicating LZW predictor.
Public propertyUseOldJpegCompression Obsolete.
When true, JPEG compression will generate old style JPEG in TIFF compression (compression value 6).
Public propertyWriteImageColorProfile
Controls how the TiffEncoder writes color profiles.
Public propertyWriteTiled
Gets or sets a value that when true, will cause TIFF images to be encoded tiled.
Public propertyXmp
Gets or sets XMP data to encode with the image.
See Also