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ColorProfile Properties

The ColorProfile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClass
Gets the profile class.
Public propertyCmmType
Gets the identification number of the CMM that is used in the profile. Identification numbers are registered with the ICC.
Public propertyColorSpace
Gets a value that indicates the color space in which the profile data is defined.
Public propertyConnectionColorSpace
Gets a value that indicates the color space in which the profile connection space (PCS) is defined.
Public propertyCopyright
Gets the copyright information stored within the color profile.
Public propertyCreator
Gets a signature of the software that created the profile. Signatures are registered with the ICC.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description value stored within the color profile.
Public propertyFlags
Gets bit flags containing hints that the CMM uses to interpret the profile data.
Public propertyManufacturer

Gets the identification number of the device profile manufacturer. All manufacturer identification numbers are registered with the ICC.

Public propertyModel
Gets the device manufacturer's device model number. All model identification numbers are registered with the ICC.
Public propertyPlatform
Gets the primary platform for which the profile was created.
Public propertyRenderingIntent
Gets the profile rendering intent.
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version number of this color profile.
See Also