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HolePunchRemovalCommand Properties

The HolePunchRemovalCommand type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplyToAnyPixelFormat
Reports whether or not this command will be applied to any supplied PixelFormat image
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyAutoPropertyConfigurationEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating if properties in the PropertiesToAutoConfigure property will be automatically determined by the command when processed.
Public propertyCanApplyToAnyPixelFormat
Returns true if the command can be applied to any PixelFormat.
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyContentClusteringHint
The minimum distance in pixels between the hole punch boundary, and the text body.
Public propertyHolePunchLocation
The location of hole punches on the image (Left, Top, Right, Bottom).
Public propertyInPlaceProcessing
Gets a value indicating if the source image data is processed in-place as opposed to returning a new image.
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyMaxHolePunchSize
The maximum size hole punch that will be removed in pixels.
Public propertyMinHolePunchSize
The minimum size hole punch that will be removed in pixels.
Public propertyProgress
Gets or sets the ProgressEventHandler delegate which can be used to view or cancel the progress of the current process.
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyPropertiesToAutoConfigure
Gets a collection of property names that will be auto configured when AutoPropertyConfigurationEnabled is true.
Public propertyRegionOfInterest

Gets or sets a RegionOfInterest which will only process the indicated region of the image.

(Inherited from ImageRegionCommand.)
Public propertySpeedFactor
Determines the sample size of the image to process, affecting quality and speed.
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Gets a list of PixelFormats that this command will support without throwing an exception. This command supports Pixel1bppIndexed only.
(Overrides ImageCommandSupportedPixelFormats.)
See Also