Click or drag to resize

OverlayCommand Properties

The OverlayCommand type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplyToAnyPixelFormat
Reports whether or not this command will be applied to any supplied PixelFormat image
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyCanApplyToAnyPixelFormat
Returns true if the command can be applied to any PixelFormat.
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertyInPlaceProcessing
Gets a value indicating whether the command returns a new image or modified the source image passed into the command.
(Overrides ImageCommandInPlaceProcessing.)
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the top image.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the position of the top image with respect to the source image.
Public propertyProgress
Gets or sets the ProgressEventHandler delegate which can be used to view or cancel the progress of the current process.
(Inherited from ImageCommand.)
Public propertySupportedPixelFormats
Returns an array of PixelFormats supported by this command.
(Overrides ImageCommandSupportedPixelFormats.)
Public propertyTopImage
Gets or sets the image that will be overlayed onto the source image.
Public propertyTransparentColor
Gets or sets the color that will be used as a transparent mask for the top image.
Public propertyTransparentIndex
Gets or sets the palette index that will be used as a transparent mask for the top image.
See Also