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DbSqlImageAccessor Properties

The DbSqlImageAccessor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDecryptor
A delegate that can decrypt a string.
(Inherited from DbCommandImageAccessor.)
Public propertyEncryptor
A delegate that can encrypt a string.
(Inherited from DbCommandImageAccessor.)
Public propertyEncryptSerializedState
Whether or not the serialized state is encrypted. Please see documentation of sub-classes to see which members are encrypted.
(Inherited from DbCommandImageAccessor.)
Public propertyExtraParameters
A copy of the extra parameters dictionary. This class does not support changing the parameters after the object has been constructed.
(Inherited from DbCommandImageAccessor.)
Public propertyFrameCountField
The name of the frame count field in the data source
Public propertyFromClause
The table that contains the images (or any valid from clause)
Protected propertyGetConnection
A delegate that can return a connection to the database.
(Inherited from DbCommandImageAccessor.)
Public propertyImageField
The name of the image field in the data source
Protected propertyImageFieldName
Returns the name of the field that contains the image stream information. If the field is an expression it must contain an as clause that names the field.
(Overrides DbCommandImageAccessorImageFieldName.)
Protected propertyNonBlankOrderByClause
Returns either the given order by clause or the primary keys if that is blank
Protected propertyNonBlankWhereClause
Returns either the given where clause or a clause that is always true, if that is blank
Public propertyOrderByClause
A valid SQL order by clause or null if the dataset should be ordered by the primary keys
Public propertyPrimaryKeyFields
The commas separated list of fields that make up the primary key of the data source
Public propertyWhereClause
A valid SQL where clause or null if all rows are to be used.
See Also