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CmisConnector Properties

The CmisConnector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAclClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS ACLServicePortClient.
Public propertyCmisClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS DiscoveryServicePortClient.
Public propertyDiscoveryClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS DiscoveryServicePortClient.
Public propertyMultiFilingClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS MultiFilingServicePortClient.
Public propertyNavigationClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS NavigationServicePortClient.
Public propertyObjectClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS ObjectServicePortClient.
Public propertyPolicyClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS PolicyServicePortClient.
Public propertyRelationshipClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS RelationshipServicePortClient.
Public propertyRepositoryClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS RepositoryServicePortClient.
Public propertyRepositoryId
Returns the guid for the current repository.
Public propertyVersioningClient
Returns the current instance of the CMIS VersioningServicePortClient.
See Also