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DocumentInfoRequestedEventArgs Properties

The DocumentInfoRequestedEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnnotationFilePath
The relative annotation file path that was requested by the client. This can be used in conjunction with the AnnotationLayers property to use non filesystem based methods of loading annotation data.
Public propertyAnnotationLayers
Gets or sets the root layerdata array of annotation data for this request. Returns null by default. If this property is left null, the handler will attempt to load the layer data from the file path represented in the FilePath property. Setting this property will override the default automatic loading by file path.
Public propertyColorDepth
Color depth of the requested image. This is used for memory calculations on the client.
Public propertyFilePath
The relative file path that was requested by the client. This can be used in conjunction with the PageCount and PageSize properties to use non filesystem based methods of loading document data.
Public propertyFormFilePath
The relative forms file path that was requested by the client. This can be used in conjunction with the FormPdfDocument property to use non filesystem based methods of loading form data.
Public propertyFormPdfDocument
PDF document to get the forms from. If this is not provided, forms will attempt to load from the PdfDocument property.
Public propertyIsVector
Indicates whether this document should allow sending larger images to the client when the zoom is greater than 1. When false, the 1:1 image will be sent, and scaled on the client.
Public propertyPageCount
Number of pages in the document. This will be -1 if the info hasn't been loaded yet. Setting this property will stop the handler from loading all document info from the file.
Public propertyPageSize
Default page size in pixels. This is set to Size.Empty if the info hasn't been loaded yet. Setting this property is necessary when setting the PageCount property.
Public propertyPdfDocument
PDF document to get the document info from. This property is provided to allow a PDF to be loaded only once for loading multiple items. When requested, form data will attempt to load from this property if the FormPdfDocument property is not provided.
Public propertyResolution
Resolution of the image requested.
Public propertyThumbCaptionFormat
Gets or sets the thumbnail captions format.
See Also