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WebViewerControlDesigner Properties

The WebViewerControlDesigner type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActionLists
Gets the action list collection for the control designer.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyAllowResize
Gets a value indicating if this can be resized.
(Overrides ControlDesignerAllowResize.)
Public propertyAssociatedComponents
Gets the collection of components associated with the component managed by the designer.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyAutoFormats
Gets the collection of predefined automatic formatting schemes to display in the Auto Format dialog box for the associated control at design time.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyBehavior Obsolete.
Gets or sets the DHTML behavior that is associated with the designer.
(Inherited from HtmlControlDesigner.)
Public propertyComponent
Gets the component this designer is designing.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyDataBindings
Gets the data bindings collection for the current control.
(Inherited from HtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyDataBindingsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether data binding is supported by the containing region for the associated control.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyDesignerState
Gets an object that is used to persist data for the associated control at design time.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyDesignTimeElement Obsolete.
Gets the design-time object representing the control that is associated with the HtmlControlDesigner object on the design surface.
(Inherited from HtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyDesignTimeElementView Obsolete.
Gets the view-control object for the control designer.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyDesignTimeHtmlRequiresLoadComplete Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the design host must finish loading before the GetDesignTimeHtml method can be called.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyExpressions
Gets the expression bindings for the current control at design time.
(Inherited from HtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyHidePropertiesInTemplateMode
Gets a value indicating whether the properties of the associated control are hidden when the control is in template mode.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the ID string for the control.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyInheritanceAttribute
Gets an attribute that indicates the type of inheritance of the associated component.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Protected propertyInherited
Gets a value indicating whether this component is inherited.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Protected propertyInTemplateMode
Gets a value indicating whether the control is in either template viewing or editing mode in the design host. The InTemplateMode property is read-only.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyIsDirty Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control has been marked as changed.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyParentComponent
Gets the parent component for this designer.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyReadOnly Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the properties of the control are read-only at design time.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyRootDesigner
Gets the control designer for the Web Forms page that contains the associated control.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyShadowProperties
Gets a collection of property values that override user settings.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyShouldCodeSerialize Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create a field declaration for the control in the code-behind file for the current design document during serialization.
(Inherited from HtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyTag
Gets an object representing the HTML markup element for the associated control.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyTemplateGroups
Gets a collection of template groups, each containing one or more template definitions.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyUsePreviewControl
Gets a value indicating whether the control designer uses a temporary preview control to generate the design-time HTML markup.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyVerbs
Gets the design-time verbs supported by the component that is associated with the designer.
(Inherited from ComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyViewControl
Gets or sets a Web server control that can be used for previewing the design-time HTML markup.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Public propertyViewControlCreated
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a View control has been created for display on the design surface.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyVisible
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is visible at design time.
(Inherited from ControlDesigner.)
See Also