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Thumbnail Properties

The Thumbnail type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFileInfo
Gets the file information associated with the thumbnail image if it was loaded from a file.
Public propertyFilePath
Gets the file path associated with the thumbnail image if it was loaded from a file.
Public propertyFrameIndex
Gets the zero based frame index of the thumbnail if it was loaded from a file and is a multipage image such as a TIFF.
Public propertyImage
Gets the thumbnail AtalaImage.
Public propertyLoadErrorMessage
Gets or sets the error message rendered when there is an error creating the thumbnail.
Public propertyRow
Gets the DataRow for this Thumbnail when the ThumbnailView is data bound.
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this thumbnail is currently selected.
Public propertySource
Gets the RandomAccessImageSource used for this thumbnail.
Public propertyStream
Gets or sets the stream containing the full size image.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets an object that may be used to keep additional data with the Thumbnail.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text caption associated with this Thumbnail object.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the tooltip for the Thumbnail.
See Also