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IsisBarcodeSettings Properties

The IsisBarcodeSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEmphasis
Gets or sets the type of weak barcode to enhance.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether barcode detection should be enabled.
Public propertyImageQuality
Gets or sets the quality of image from which barcodes should be read.
Public propertyLinearSearch
Gets or sets a value indicating that barcodes should be searched top to bottom instead of middle to edge.
Public propertyMaximumOnLine
Gets or sets the maximum number of barcodes on a line.
Public propertyMaximumOnPage
Gets or sets the maximum number of barcodes on the page.
Public propertySearchDirection
Gets or sets barcode search direction.
Public propertySearchMode
Gets or sets barcode search mode.
Public propertySearchOffset
Gets or sets barcode search offset.
Public propertySearchOrientation
Gets or sets barcode search orientation.
Public propertySupported
Gets the value indicating whether barcode detection is supported.
Public propertyVerifyChecksum
Gets or sets a value indicating whether detected barcodes should be verified by checksum.
See Also