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CustomCultureInfo Properties

The CustomCultureInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCalendar
Gets the default calendar used by the culture.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyCompareInfo
Gets the CompareInfo that defines how to compare strings for the culture.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyCultureTypes
Gets the culture types that pertain to the current CultureInfo object.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyDateTimeFormat
Gets or sets a DateTimeFormatInfo that defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying dates and times.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyDisplayName (Overrides CultureInfoDisplayName.)
Public propertyEnglishName (Overrides CultureInfoEnglishName.)
Public propertyIetfLanguageTag
Deprecated. Gets the RFC 4646 standard identification for a language.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyIsNeutralCulture
Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo represents a neutral culture.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo is read-only.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyKeyboardLayoutId
Gets the active input locale identifier.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyLCID
Gets the culture identifier for the current CultureInfo.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyName (Overrides CultureInfoName.)
Public propertyNativeName (Overrides CultureInfoNativeName.)
Public propertyNumberFormat
Gets or sets a NumberFormatInfo that defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying numbers, currency, and percentage.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyOptionalCalendars
Gets the list of calendars that can be used by the culture.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the CultureInfo that represents the parent culture of the current CultureInfo.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyTextInfo
Gets the TextInfo that defines the writing system associated with the culture.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyThreeLetterISOLanguageName
Gets the ISO 639-2 three-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName
Gets the three-letter code for the language as defined in the Windows API.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyTwoLetterISOLanguageName
Gets the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
Public propertyUseUserOverride
Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo uses the user-selected culture settings.
(Inherited from CultureInfo.)
See Also