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IOcrGlyphAccessor Properties

The IOcrGlyphAccessor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseline
This property represents the baseline of the text in pixels relative to the source image.
Public propertyBounds
This property represents the bounding box of the glyph in pixels relative to the source image.
Public propertyChar
The unicode representation of this glyph.
Public propertyColor
Returns the color of this glyph.
Public propertyConfidence
This property represents the confidence with which this glyph was recognized by the engine, ranging from 0.0 (no confidence) to 1.0 (complete confidence).
Public propertyGlyph
This property is used for setting the OcrGlyph that this accessor is attached to.
Public propertyIsSingleton
This property represents a boolean that determines if this glyph is a single character or not.
Public propertyText
This property is a string that represents the text of this glyph.
See Also