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PdfTranslator Properties

The PdfTranslator type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjustPdfVersionAsNeeded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to adjust PDF version as needed. If the document is saved using features that surpass the version of the PDF spec to adhere to specified in PdfVersion, this will automatically adjust the version to match.
Public propertyAuthor
Gets or sets the Author metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertyAutoPageRotation
Determines if the PDFTranslator will correct page rotation
Public propertyCode exampleBookmarkTree
Gets or sets the PDF bookmark tree that will be used with this document. Default value is null (no tree).
Public propertyClearOcrPageContents
Controls the behavior of the translator with respect to keeping OcrPages in memory.
Public propertyCompressionSelector
This delegate can be used to select a compression type for images in an output PDF file.
Public propertyCreator
Gets or sets the Creator metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertyDocumentType
Specifies the type of PDF document that will be produced, including PDF-A.
Public propertyEncryptMetadata
Sets or gets a boolean indicating that metadata should be encrypted. Default is true.
Public propertyEnforceWordWidths
Indicates that the PdfTranslator should apply a horizontal scale to the text in a word to match the word bounding box as accurately as possible using the font size reported by the OCR engine.
Public propertyGenerateDefaultColorProfile
Specifies if the PdfTranslator should try to generate it's default ColorProfiles for images added.
Public propertyGenerateThumbnails
Indicates whether or not the translator will generate thumnail images.
Public propertyJpeg2000CompressionFactor
Sets or gets the compression factor for Jpeg2000 images
Public propertyJpegQuality
Sets or gets the JpegQuality that will be used for images compressed with Jpeg.
Public propertyKeywords
Gets or sets the Keywords metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertyMetadata
Document metadata for the output file
Public propertyOutputType
The output style for pages.
Public propertyOwnerPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets an owner password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyPdfVersion
Gets or sets the desired PDF version for the output document. Currently, this will accept 2.0 value and values from 1.0 to 1.7 in increments of 0.1. Other values will be rejected. Defaults to 1.4.
Public propertyPermissions
Sets or gets the set of allowable actions for this PDF.
Public propertyProducer
Gets or sets the Producer metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertySetDocumentMetadata
Gets or sets a value indicating if metadata should be included in the document.
Public propertySubject
Gets or sets the Subject metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertyTempPath
Sets or gets a path to use for temporary files.
Public propertyTextColor
Sets or gets a Color that can be used to override the recognized text color.
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the Title metadata to write in the resulting PDF.
Public propertyUseCompressedObjectStreams

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF document contains compressed object streams.

Public propertyUseDocumentTextColor
Indicates whether or not the document's text color will be used.
Public propertyUseIForeignTranslatorInterface
Indicates whether or not the PdfTranslator should use the older IForeignTranslator interface or the newer IPerPageTranslator interface
Public propertyUseNormalizedBaseline
Indicates whether or not the translator will attempt to normalize the baseline for a line of text.
Public propertyUserPassword Obsolete.
Sets or gets a user password to use for the document. Default value is null (no password).
Public propertyUseTempFiles
Indicates whether or not temporary files will be used for page images in translation.
See Also