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VotingEngine Properties

The VotingEngine type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlternateEngines
Gets the collection of alternate engines for the voting engine.
Public propertyAvailablePreprocessingOptions
This property returns the available set of image preprocessing options for this OcrEngine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyCanRecognizeBarcodes
Returns true if this engine supports barcode recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyCanUseSymbolSet
Gets a value indicating whether engine can use symbol set or not.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyDefaultPreprocessingOptions
Returns the default preprocessing options for this OcrEngine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyDefaultRecognitionCulture
Returns the default recognition language for this engine.
(Overrides OcrEngineDefaultRecognitionCulture.)
Public propertyFactory
This property provides an object of type IOcrFactory for the construction of page and document elements.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyFontBuilder
This property provides a font builder that will be used for page construction.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyFontMapper
This property provides a font mapper that will be used for page construction.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyInitializeAndShutDownAlternateEngines
Gets or sets a property to control whether or not alternate engines should be initialized and shut down automatically
Public propertyNominator
Gets or sets the nominator that is used for the voting engine.
Public propertyPreprocessingOptions
The property provides the preprocessing options to be used for this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyPrimaryEngine
Sets or gets the primary engine used for Ocr.
Public propertyRecognitionCulture
Sets or gets the recognition language for this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyRecognitionCulturesList
Gets or sets the list of cultures to be used during recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyRecognizeBarcodes
When true, will recognize barcodes as well as text if the engine supports barcode recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertySupportedBarcodeSymbologies
Gets a list of barcode symbologies that are supported by this OcrDocument (if any).
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertySupportMultiCultureRecognition
Gets the value indicating whether the OCR engine supports multiple recognition cultures.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyTranslators
This property provides access to a TranslatorCollection object used by the engine to translate images to documents.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyWordSelector
Gets or sets the WordSelector used for the VotingEngine.
See Also