Click or drag to resize

AnnotationAdditionalActions Properties

The AnnotationAdditionalActions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyOnClickDown
Gets the PdfActionList for when the mouse is clicked when the cursor is in the area of an annotation.
Public propertyOnClickUp
Gets the PdfActionList for when the mouse is released after a click within the area of an annotation.
Public propertyOnCursorIn
Gets the PdfActionList for when the cursor enters the area of an annotation.
Public propertyOnCursorOut
Gets the PdfActionList for when the cursor leaves the area of an annotation.
Public propertyOnFieldFormatting
Gets the PdfJavaScriptActionList for when a field is about to be displayed. This action may change the field's value.
Public propertyOnFieldRecalculating
Gets the PdfJavaScriptActionList for when changes in other fields would require this field to be recalculated.
Public propertyOnFieldValueChanging
Gets the PdfJavaScriptActionList for when a field's value is changing. This action may check for validity.
Public propertyOnFocusIn
Gets the PdfActionList for when the annotation gets focus from the application.
Public propertyOnFocusOut
Gets the PdfActionList for when the annotation loses focus from the application.
Public propertyOnKeyDown
Gets the PdfJavaScriptActionList for when a key is entered in a text for field, a pop-up box, or a list box.
Public propertyOnPageClosed
Gets the PdfActionList for when the page on which the annotation appears is closed.
Public propertyOnPageInView
Gets the PdfActionList for when the page on which the annotation appears comes into view.
Public propertyOnPageOpened
Gets the PdfActionList for when the page on which the annotation appears is opened.
Public propertyOnPageOutOfView
Gets the PdfActionList for when the page on which the annotation appears moves out of view.
See Also