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PdfDocumentSignatureInformation Properties

The PdfDocumentSignatureInformation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowedChanges
Gets the allowed changes to the document.
Public propertyCertificate
Gets the certificate associated with the document or null if there is no certificate.
Public propertyErrorsEncountered
Gets a description of the errors encountered, if any, while attempting to get signature information from a PDF file. If there were no errors, this will be an empty string.
Public propertyHasSignatures
Gets a value indicating whether a PDF document has signatures.
Public propertyIsCertified
Gets a value indicating whether a PDF document is certified.
Public propertySignatureCount
Gets the total number of signature fields in the document.
Public propertySignatures
Gets the list of signatures in the document. A signature, represented by a PdfSignatureInformation object may be signed or unsigned.
Public propertySignedSignatureCount
Gets the total number of signed signatures in the document.
See Also