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DefaultWidgetTemplates Properties

The DefaultWidgetTemplates type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberActivatedColor
Gets or sets the main color of the activated appearance.
Public propertyStatic memberActivatedHilightColor
Gets or sets the highlight color of the activated appearance.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxCheckedActivatedName
Gets the name of the checkbox checked activated resource.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxCheckedNormalName
Gets the name of the checkbox checked normal resource.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxCheckedRolloverName
Gets the name of the checkbox checked rollover resource.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxClearedActivatedName
Gets the name of the checkbox cleared activated resource.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxClearedNormalName
Gets the name of the checkbox cleared normal resource.
Public propertyStatic memberCheckboxClearedRolloverName
Gets the name of the checkbox cleared rollover resource.
Public propertyStatic memberNormalColor
Gets or sets the main color of the normal appearance.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonCheckedActivatedName
Gets the name of the radio button checked activated resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonCheckedNormalName
Gets the name of the radio button checked normal resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonCheckedRolloverName
Gets the name of the radio button checked rollover resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonClearedActivatedName
Gets the name of the radio button cleared activated resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonClearedNormalName
Gets the name of the radio button cleared normal resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRadioButtonClearedRolloverName
Gets the name of the radio button cleared rollover resource.
Public propertyStatic memberRolloverColor
Gets or sets the main color of the rollover appearance.
See Also