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TextFormField Properties

The TextFormField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalActions
Gets the additional actions that may be used by annotations that are children of this field.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyChildFields
Gets the child fields for this field.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyDefaultTextAppearance
Gets or sets the default text appearance that is shared by children of this field.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyDefaultTextValue
Gets or sets the default text value.
Public propertyEnforceReadyOnlyWithException
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enforce ready only with the IsFieldReadOnly propery with an exception.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyFieldAlternateDescription
Gets or sets the field alternate description for display in the user interface.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyFieldFullName
Gets the fully qualified name of the field. This value is only correct if ParentField has been set. When the parent chain is properly set up, this will return ParentField.FieldFullName + '.' + FieldName
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyFieldName
Gets or sets the name of the field.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyFieldNameForExport
Gets or sets the field name for export.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyIsColumns
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields should be columns.
Public propertyIsFieldNoExport
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field should not be export.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyIsFieldReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field is read only.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyIsFieldRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field is required.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyIsFileSelection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields are file selection.
Public propertyIsMultiLine
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields should be multi line.
Public propertyIsPassword
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields should represent a password field.
Public propertyIsRichText
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields are rich text.
Public propertyIsScrollable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields should be scrollable.
Public propertyIsSpellChecked
Gets or sets a value indicating whether child fields should be spell checked.
Public propertyMaximumLength
Gets or sets the maximum length for child fields.
Public propertyParentField
Gets or sets the parent field.
(Inherited from BaseFormField.)
Public propertyTextAlignment
Gets or sets the text alignment for child fields.
Public propertyTextValue
Gets or sets the text value of this field
See Also