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PdfARenderer Properties

The PdfARenderer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCmykColorSpace
Gets or sets the CMYK color space that will be provided to each CMYK image.
Public propertyConvertIncompatiblePagesToImages
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page that cannot be converted to PDF/A, will be converted to the image, instead of throwing PdfAException. ImageExtractor is required to use this flag.
Protected propertyCurrentPage (Inherited from PdfRenderer.)
Public propertyDefaultRgbColorSpace
Gets default RGB color space resource.
Protected propertyErrorOccurred
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an error occurred in the process of rendering a page. ErrorOccurred will be cleared before rendering begins.
(Inherited from DocumentRenderer.)
Public propertyIgnoreUnsupportedAnnotsAndActions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotations and actions that not supported by the PDF/A-1b standard will be ignored, instead of throwing PdfAException.
Public propertyImageExtractor
Gets or sets the image extractor.
Public propertyRgbColorSpace
Gets or sets the RGB color space that will be used in OutputIntents of PDF/A document. If value is not specified, DefaultRgbColorSpace will be used.
Protected propertySaveOptions (Inherited from PdfRenderer.)
See Also