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PdfLineStyle Properties

The PdfLineStyle type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapStyle
Gets or sets the line cap style.
Public propertyDashPattern
Gets or sets the dash pattern used for lines. This is an array of doubles that represents alternating on and off patterns of dashes in PDF units. An empty array is a solid line. A single number is alternated on and off (ie, [4] will be 4 units on, 4 units off). More than a single number will be alternated. Default is an empty array.
Public propertyDashPhase
Gets or sets the dash phase. This number represents at what point dashes will start in the DashPattern. For example, if the DashPattern is [2, 3] and the phase is 1, the dashed line will be 1 unit on, 3 off, 2 on, 3 off, etc.
Public propertyStatic memberDefault
Gets the default line style: 1 PDF unit wide, butt line ends, mitered joints, a miter limit of 10, no dash pattern, 0 phase.
Public propertyJoinStyle
Gets or sets the line join style.
Public propertyMiterLimit
Gets or sets the miter limit when JoinStyle is set to Mitered. When segments join with a mitered joint at sharp angles, MiterLimit keeps the joints from projecting too far. The miter length of a joint is this distance from the internal intersection of the line to the projected external intersection. If the ration of the miter length to the line width is greater than the miter limit, the joint will be beveled.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the line in PDF units.
See Also