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PdfImageManager Properties

The PdfImageManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompressionSelector
Gets or sets the compression selector.
Public propertyCompressors
Gets the compressors.
Public propertyDctQuality
Gets or sets the DCT quality.
Public propertyItem
Gets the resource with the specified s.
(Inherited from PdfResourceManagerT.)
Public propertyJpxQuality
Gets or sets the JPX quality.
Protected propertyResourceClass
Gets the resource class.
(Overrides PdfResourceManagerTResourceClass.)
Public propertyCode exampleResourceNames
Gets the resource names for this resource manager.
foreach (string name in globalResources.Images.ResourceNames) {
    Console.WriteLine("resource name: " + name);
(Inherited from PdfResourceManagerT.)
Public propertyStreamProvider
Gets or sets the stream provider.
See Also