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PdfViewerPreferences Properties

The PdfViewerPreferences type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCenterWindow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document's window should be centered.
Public propertyCopiesToPrint
Gets or sets the number of copies of the document to print. The value must be greater than 0.
Public propertyDisplayDocumentTitle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the window's title should display the document title from the document's PdfDocumentMetadata object.
Public propertyFitWindowToInitialPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document's window should be sized to fit the initial page size.
Public propertyHideMenubar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer should hide its menu bar (if any) when displaying the document.
Public propertyHideToolbar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer should hide its toolbar (if any) when displaying the document.
Public propertyHideWindowDressing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer should hide window UI controls such as scroll bars snd navigation tools when displaying the document.
Public propertyPostFullScreenPageDisplayMode
Gets or sets the page view mode that will be used when the viewer is siwtched out of full screen viewing.
Public propertyPrintingArea
Gets or sets the box to use as a printing area for pages in the document.
Public propertyPrintingMode
Gets or sets the printing mode for the document in terms of whether printing should be one-sided or two-sided and if two-sided, what the relationship between front and back pages should be.
Public propertyPrintingVisibleArea
Gets or sets the box to use as a printing visible area for pages in the document.
Public propertyPrintPageRanges
Gets the page ranges for printing. Each pair represents a sub-range of pages within the document to be printed. The ranges are 0-based and refer to page indexes in the document.
Public propertyPrintScaling
Gets or sets the print scaling for the viewer. There are currently two useful values for this property: "None" and "AppDefault". The PDF specification does not offer any suggestion for what the value should mean other than "None" will provide no scaling.
Public propertyReadingOrder
Gets or sets the dominant reading order for the document.
Public propertySelectPaperByPageSize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewing application should set the print settings to pick paper from a source that matches the page size. This will depend on the capabilities of the printer and print driver.
Public propertyViewingArea
Gets or sets the box to use as a viewing area for pages in the document.
Public propertyViewingVisibleArea
Gets or sets the box to use as the visible area for pages in the document.
See Also