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RepairOptions Properties

The RepairOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrayOptions
Gets the array repair options.
Public propertyMaximumAllowableSeverity
Gets or sets the maximum allowable severity for problems. This property is used by the internal repair selection process. If the Severity of the PdfRepairConsequences exceeds this value, then the problem will be marked as "do not repair" which will cause an exception to be thrown. The default is Serious
Public propertyProblemSelector
Gets or sets the problem selector for dictionary properties. This selector, if present, will be called to determine if a problem should be selected.
Public propertyPropertyOptions
Gets the property repair options.
Public propertyRepairSelector
Gets or sets the repair selector for problems. This delegate will be used to decide if a property will be repaired.
Public propertyStructureOptions
Gets the structure repair options.
See Also