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AnnotationKeyAction Enumeration

This enumeration is used to define the actions used with AnnotationKeyBinder.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Annotate.UI
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum AnnotationKeyAction
  Member nameDescription
None No action is taken.
SelectNext The next annotation in the collection is selected. If the current annotation is the last in the collection, the first annotation will be selected.
SelectPrevious The previous annotation in the collection is selected. If the current annotation is at index zero, the last annotation in the collection will be selected.
SelectLeft Selects the annotation who has the next lowest X location value.
SelectRight Selects the annotation who has the next highest X location value.
SelectAbove Selects the annotation who has the next lowest Y location value.
SelectBelow Selects the annotation who has the next highest Y location value.
MoveLeft Moves the selected annotations to the left.
MoveRight Moves the selected annotations to the right.

Moves the selected annotations up.

MoveDown Moves the selected annotations down.
RotateCounterclockwise Rotates the active annotation counterclockwise.
RotateClockwise Rotates the active annotation clockwise.
IncreaseWidth Increases the width of the active annotation.
DecreaseWidth Decreases the width of the active annotation.
IncreaseHeight Increases the height of the active annotation.
DecreaseHeight Decreases the height of the active annotation.
ClearSelection Unselects all annotations.
See Also