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DataMatrixSymbolSize Enumeration

DataMatrix supports square symbols with sizes from 10x10 up to 144x144 as well as six different rectangular symbols from 8x18 to 16x48. If SymbolSize.Auto is selected then the smaller symbol fr the given amount of data is automatically selected.
Used to control the size of the Data Matrix symbols. S members are square (equal rows and columns), R members are ordered row x column.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Barcoding.Writing
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.Barcoding.Writing (in Atalasoft.dotImage.Barcoding.Writing.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum DataMatrixSymbolSize
  Member nameDescription
Auto The size is determined by the length of the data supplied.
S010x010 10 rows x 10 columns.
S012x012 12 rows x 12 columns.
S014x014 14 rows x 14 columns.
S016x016 16 rows x 16 columns.
S018x018 18 rows x 18 columns.
S020x020 20 rows x 20 columns.
S022x022 22 rows x 22 columns.
S024x024 24 rows x 24 columns.
S026x026 26 rows x 26 columns.
S032x032 32 rows x 32 columns.
S036x036 36 rows x 36 columns.
S040x040 40 rows x 40 columns.
S044x044 44 rows x 44 columns.
S048x048 48 rows x 48 columns.
S052x052 52 rows x 52 columns.
S064x064 64 rows x 64 columns.
S072x072 72 rows x 72 columns.
S080x080 80 rows x 80 columns.
S088x088 88 rows x 88 columns.
S096x096 96 rows x 96 columns.
S104x104 104 rows x 104 columns.
S120x120 120 rows x 120 columns.
S132x132 132 rows x 132 columns.
S144x144 144 rows x 144 columns.
R008x018 8 rows x 18 columns.
R008x032 8 rows x 32 columns.
R012x026 12 rows x 26 columns.
R012x036 12 rows x 36 columns.
R016x036 16 rows x 36 columns.
R016x048 16 rows x 48 columns.
See Also