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MeanFilterType Enumeration

Various types of MeanFilter.
The type of mean filter to apply.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Filters
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum MeanFilterType
  Member nameDescription
Arithmetic Finds average values under the filter.
Geometric Removes Gaussian type noise from an image better than the arithmetic mean filter. Unlike the YP mean filter, this is susceptible to low-valued outliers: a zero pixel under the filter will cause the filter to output zero.
Harmonic Removes Gaussian type noise from an image better than the arithmetic mean filter. It is good at removing positive outliers, but it is susceptible to low-valued outliers: a zero pixel under the filter will cause the filter to output zero.
YP A non-linear mean filter which is better at removing Gaussian type noise and preserving edge features than the basic arithmetic mean filter. It is also very good at removing outliers (positive or negative, depending on the order of the filter) from images.
See Also