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IndirectionImageSource Class

The IndirectionImageSource class is used to provide an ImageSource which can be modified after its initial creation. The ThumbnailImageViewerSynchronizer uses this class to handle changes to the original ImageSource.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public class IndirectionImageSource : RandomAccessImageSource

The IndirectionImageSource type exposes the following members.

Public methodIndirectionImageSource
Creates a new instance of IndirectionImageSource specifying the initial RandomAccessImageSource to use.
Protected propertyActiveImages
Gets the active images.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyCount
Returns the total number of images in the image source.
(Inherited from RandomAccessImageSource.)
Protected propertyCulledImages
Gets the culled images.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyCurrent
Returns the index of the current image.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyImmediateUnload
Determines if an image should be unloaded from memory immediately.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyItem
Acquires the image at location i within the image source and returns it.
(Inherited from RandomAccessImageSource.)
Public propertyMemoryInUse
Returns an estimate of the number of bytes of memory currently in use by images in this ImageSource.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyMemoryLimit
This sets the limit for memory usage for this ImageSource. If memory usage goes beyond this, images will be dropped from memory until memory usage is below the limit.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyRetainInMemory
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the images should remain in memory once read.
Public propertyTotalImages
Returns the total number of available images in this ImageSource.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public propertyTotalImagesKnown
Gets a value indicating whether or not the total number of images in this image source can be known.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodAcquire(Int32) Obsolete.
This method has been deprecated. Use ReAcquire(AtalaImage) instead.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodAcquire(AtalaImage) Obsolete.
This method has been deprecated. Use ReAcquire(AtalaImage) instead.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodAcquireNext
Acquire the next available image from the ImageSource.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodAdd(AtalaImage)
Adds an AtalaImage to the end of the image source.
Public methodAdd(Stream, Int32)
Adds an image to the end of the image source from a stream.
Public methodAdd(String, Int32)
Adds an image to the end of the image source from a filename.
Protected methodAllImagesAreReleased
Determines if all the images have been released.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodClear
Removes all items from the image source.
Public methodContainsImage
Determines whether this ImageSource contains the specified image.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodCullNode
Culls the node from the ImageSource
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodCullReleasedImages
Culls all released images.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodDispose
Free up resources used by this ImageSource
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
(Overrides ImageSourceDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the ImageSource class.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodFind
Finds the specified image.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodFlush
Flush all released images out of memory.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from RandomAccessImageSource.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasMoreImages
Determines if there are more images to load.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, AtalaImage)
Inserts the image at the specified index.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Stream, Int32)
Adds or inserts one or more images from a stream.
Public methodInsert(Int32, String, Int32)
Adds or inserts one or more images from a file.
Protected methodLowLevelAcquire
Performs an acquire of an indexed image.
(Overrides RandomAccessImageSourceLowLevelAcquire(Int32).)
Protected methodLowLevelAcquireNextImage
Lows level implementation to acquire next image.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelAcquireNextImage.)
Protected methodLowLevelDispose
Lows level implementation to dispose the ImageSource.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelDispose.)
Protected methodLowLevelFlushOnReset
Lows level implementation to determine if there should be a flush on reset.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelFlushOnReset.)
Protected methodLowLevelHasMoreImages
Lows level implementation to determine if the ImageSource has more images.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelHasMoreImages.)
Protected methodLowLevelReplaceImage
Lows level implementation to replace an image.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelReplaceImage(ImageSourceNode, AtalaImage).)
Protected methodLowLevelReset
Lows level implementation of reset.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelReset.)
Protected methodLowLevelSkipNextImage
Lows level implementation to skip next image.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelSkipNextImage.)
Protected methodLowLevelTotalImages
Lows level implementation that returns the total number of images.
(Overrides ImageSourceLowLevelTotalImages.)
Protected methodLowLevelTotalImagesKnown
Returns if the total images is known.
(Inherited from RandomAccessImageSource.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNotifyChangedImage(AtalaImage)
This method is used to inform an ImageSource that one of its current acquired images has changed.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodNotifyChangedImage(AtalaImage, AtalaImage)
This method is used to inform an ImageSource that one of its current acquired images has changed.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodOnChangedImage
Raises the [E:ChangedImage] event.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Protected methodOnNodeIndexSet
Called when the index of a node is modified.
(Overrides RandomAccessImageSourceOnNodeIndexSet(ImageSourceNode).)
Protected methodOnReleasing
Called when Release(AtalaImage) was performed on an ImageSourceNode.
(Overrides ImageSourceOnReleasing(ReleasingImageSourceNodeEventArgs).)
Public methodReAcquire(Int32)
Acquire a previous image by index.
(Overrides ImageSourceReAcquire(Int32).)
Public methodReAcquire(AtalaImage)
Acquire an AtalaImage that has been previously acquired.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodRelease
Release a previously acquired image.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodReleaseChangedImage(AtalaImage)
Release an image that has changed, notifying other clients that the image has changed.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodReleaseChangedImage(AtalaImage, AtalaImage)
Release an image that has changed, notifying other clients that the image has changed.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes an image from the IndirectionImageSource at the specified index.
Public methodReorderIndex
Moves one item to a different position within the IndirectionImageSource.
Public methodReset
Resets the ImageSource to start over again.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventChangedImage
This event is fired whenever an image has been replaced.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
Public eventReleasing
Raised when the Release(AtalaImage) method is called on an ImageSourceNode.
(Inherited from ImageSource.)
See Also