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CmisPropertyIds Class

A static class for dealing with CMIS object properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging.WebControls.Capture.Cmis
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.WebControls (in Atalasoft.dotImage.WebControls.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public static class CmisPropertyIds

The CmisPropertyIds type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberChildrenWithProperties
A method that given a CMIS Navigation Service cmisObjectInFolderType array will return the CMIS property type for the objects in the collection.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyBoolean
A method to create a CMIS boolean property.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyDateTime
A methof to create a CMIS DateTime property.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyId
Method to create a CMIS property Id.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyInteger
A method to create a CMIS integer property.
Public methodStatic memberGetPropertyString
Returns a CMIS proerty string.
Public methodStatic memberMakeImportDocumentPropertiesList
A method to create the basic set of properties needed to create a document in a repository.
Public fieldStatic memberAllowedChildObjectTypeIds
Returns the CMIS allowedChildObjectTypeIds property type.
Public fieldStatic memberBaseTypeId
Returns the CMIS baseTypeId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberChangeToken
Returns the CMIS changeToken property type.
Public fieldStatic memberCheckinComment
Returns the CMIS checkinComment property type.
Public fieldStatic memberContentStreamFileName
Returns the CMIS contentStreamFileName property type.
Public fieldStatic memberContentStreamId
Returns the CMIS contentStreamId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberContentStreamLength
Returns the CMIS contentStreamLength property type.
Public fieldStatic memberContentStreamMimeType
Returns the CMIS contentStreamMimeType property type.
Public fieldStatic memberCreatedBy
Returns the CMIS createdBy property type.
Public fieldStatic memberCreationDate
Returns the CMIS creationDate property type.
Public fieldStatic memberDocument
Returns the CMIS document property type.
Public fieldStatic memberFolder
Returns the CMIS folder property type.
Public fieldStatic memberIsImmutable
Returns the CMIS isImmutable property type.
Public fieldStatic memberIsLatestMajorVersion
Returns the CMIS isLatestMajorVersion property type.
Public fieldStatic memberIsLatestVersion
Returns the CMIS isLatestVersion property type.
Public fieldStatic memberIsMajorVersion
Returns the CMIS isMajorVersion property type.
Public fieldStatic memberIsVersionSeriesCheckedOut
Returns the CMIS isVersionSeriesCheckedOut property type.
Public fieldStatic memberLastModificationDate
Returns the CMIS lastModificationDate property type.
Public fieldStatic memberLastModifiedBy
Returns the CMIS lastModifyBy property type.
Public fieldStatic memberName
Returns the CMIS name property type.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectId
Returns the CMIS objectId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectTypeId
Returns the CMIS objectTypeId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberParentId
Returns the CMIS parentId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberPath
Returns the CMIS path property type.
Public fieldStatic memberPolicyText
Returns the CMIS policyText property type.
Public fieldStatic memberSourceId
Returns the CMIS sourceId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberTargetId
Returns the CMIS targetId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionLabel
Returns the CMIS versionLabel property type.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionSeriesCheckedOutBy
Returns the CMIS versionSeriesCheckedOutBy property type.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionSeriesCheckedOutId
Returns the CMIS versionSeriesCheckedOutId property type.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionSeriesId
Returns the CMIS versionSeriesId property type.
Caution note Caution
This class is available with .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5.2 only.
See Also